Low data latency
Dramatically reduce page load times
Before pgEdge

With pgEdge

Faster page loads. Superior customer experience.
Low data latency
Greatly reduce the latency of long round-trip response times due to a single monolithic database by placing copies of your database close to your users. For web applications where a compelling customer experience with short page load times is essential, deploying pgEdge is a game changer. While edge platforms like Cloudflare, Fastly and Vercel make it easy to place presentation and compute logic at or near the network edge, pgEdge lets you put your data and database there too.
Consider a SaaS application or e-commerce site with users across North America and Europe. With a single read/write copy of the database in a single cloud region (e.g. Northern Virginia) users far away from that cloud region experience long page load times. With even a simple 3-node pgEdge configuration with nodes in the Eastern US, Western US and Europe page load times for users in the Western US and Europe will be dramatically reduced.
Your Choice
Self-hosted or Cloud deployment
pgEdge Cloud
Fully managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS)
Handles provisioning, security and monitoring
Access via web dashboard, CLI and API
Multi-cloud support available for AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
pgEdge Platform
All features of pgEdge Distributed PostgreSQL
Self-host on-premises or in cloud accounts (AWS, Azure, GCP, Equinix Metal, Akamai Linode)
For developer evaluations or production usage
Enterprise support available
Dive deeper into pgEdge

How to Unleash Ultra High Availability and Zero Downtime Maintenance with Distributed PostgreSQL

How Multi-Master Distributed Postgres Solves High Availability and Low Latency Challenges
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